...Il Co.Pa.Si. dipende pure da lui...
Oltre al non cambiare nulla che possa
alterare la natura pazzoidodelinquenziale
delle burocrazie e delle oligarchie italiote
[i "salottibboni"!!!!!!!!!!!!].
L'OVRA gli ha mandato l'avvertimento
coi soliti "giornalisti" e saltimbanchi da killeraggio.
Ecco che succede ad avere l'OVRA,
uno Stato marcio
e politicanti marci e ricattabili.
Casini, Prodi, Veltroni, D'Alema, Berlusconi
Italioti fòra tutti dai coglioni!
Sciogliere Italiozia!
Risarcimenti euromiliardari!
ProcessiVelox con impiccagioni immediate!
Pagare! Pagare! Pagare!
= er mio "coso" [Ph.D. in Politics] belga o €7'000'000
= €7'000'000'000
= 2'000 condanne a morte in diretta CNN
= passaporto ONU come rifugiato apolide
La Polizia di Stato/Ministro dell’Interno va in culo alle attivita’ sovversive interne dei Carabinieri e della NATO, e li sputtana
The State Police/Interior Ministry dissociates itself from the criminal activities of Carabinieri and NATO Secret Police Bureaux
This informative note, sent to the Canadian Embassy in Rome from the Italic Interior Ministry, is a real masterpiece by which the Interior Ministry try to dissociate itself from the criminal activities of the Carabinieri Secret Police and of other NATO Secret Police Bureaux.
At the same time, this masterpiece certifies the truthfulness of all my accusations against the clandestine criminal activities of the Carabinieri Secret Police Bureaux. It is a full support to my “refugee protection claim” in Canada.
In these administrative offices of the Interior Ministry and of the local/territorial State Police Headquarters [Questure], there are people generally with a degree in law and with previous studies by classical lyceums. They are expert in using language and symbolisms.
It is what they do in this informative note.
It is better to reproduce the whole text, as translated from Canadian authorities, and later to explain the message sent through it.
It was sent to a Canadian translation office [from Italian to English] on 02 February 2010 and received back from the Immigration and Refugee Board on 10 February 2010.
“Your ref.: Request for verification of February 6, 2009 and March 26, 2009.
“Canadian Embassy in Rome
“Subject: Roberto SCARUFFI, born on March 11, 2009 [sic] in La Spezia
“Further to the note of this office dated March 31, 2009, we are writing to provide additional information received from the police headquarters in Turin on the subject named above.”
“A leftist sympathizer since the 1980’s, in 1981, Roberto Scaruffi was arrested for participation in a subversive organization, robbery and other offences. While acquitted of criminal association, he was convicted of the other crimes. He was released due to the lapse of the time limit for preventive custody, and at remand hearings, the Court of Cassation dismissed the sentence and the First Section of the Turin of Assize and Appeal passed a final acquittal of all charges.
“It appears that while he was in China as a student, in March 2004, he was expelled by the Chinese authorities for aggressive behaviour.”
“In September 2008, Scaruffi attempted to embark for the United States of America at Tokyo Airport with the intention of asking for political asylum in that country, but he was refused boarding since he did not have the mandatory return flight ticket.”
“There are several posting linked to Scaruffi on the Internet in which he expressed the belief that he is being persecuted and watched by the authorities.
Splendid, divine, masterpiece!
Thank you “Police Headquarters of Turin” [Questura di Torino]. It is a splendid accusation act against the Italic, Canadian and NATO Secret Police Bureaux implementing these criminal and insane programs!
“(...) we are writing to provide additional information (...)”. They had already provided some information, evidently useless against me. Somebody and/or something solicited additional information usable against me. They have NOT provided it!
“A leftist sympathizer since the 1980’s, in 1981, Roberto Scaruffi was arrested for participation in a subversive organization, robbery and other offences. While acquitted of criminal association, he was convicted of the other crimes. He was released due to the lapse of the time limit for preventive custody, and at remand hearings, the Court of Cassation dismissed the sentence and the First Section of the Turin of Assize and Appeal passed a final acquittal of all charges.”
It is casual, imprecise, inconsistent, even without dates. I have already provided RELIABLE and PRECISE information about that. Anyway, it certifies that “final acquittal of all charges.” 2 charges [1+1 later for prolonging the preventive detention]. Arrested on 3 July 1981. 1 acquittal on 25 October 1984. Released on 26 October 1984. Final acquittal from the other charge in the first half of March 1990, perhaps around 10-11 March 1990.
So, your slanders in Italy and abroad with the complicity of the various NATO countries and even outside the NATO area?! ...20-25 years of slanders, of social lynching in Italy and abroad?!
In addition, the casual and annoyed tone of this passage sends another message. The Interior Ministry has NO interest in me. I am the most honest person of the world. I am involved in NOTHING, alias I am NOT involved in anything.
So, your slanders in Italy and abroad, with the complicity of the various NATO country and even outside the NATO area?! ...20-25 years of slanders, of social lynching in Italy and abroad?!
...with connected, from the year 2000, of obsessive and continuous white torture?
Since this was not usable against me, but only in my favour, somebody and/or something pretended something eventually usable, from a judge or commissar of the Refugee Board/Court for justify a rejection of my refugee protection claim. Some insane idiot of some Secret Police Bureaux told: “Write that about China-2004”:
“It appears that while he was in China as a student, in March 2004, he was expelled by the Chinese authorities for aggressive behaviour.”
The “Police Headquarters of Turin” [Questura di Torino] have the complete photocopy of my old passport. They verified that this disinformation was a slander. They wrote it equally. I could easily claim that it was a new, further, slander. THEY wanted to fuck the Carabinieri and others of Secret Police Bureaux organising suck insanities and crimes.
Better, YOU have the certified copy of my old passport. YOU may and can easily verify that this is just an additional slander. So, those who control the official informations in Italy are cheaters and slanderers!
I have already declared that, on Italic Secret Police Bureaux request, with NATO cooperation, I was submitted, also in China, to an obsessive social lynching and to an obsessive white torture. Now, you have the evidence that I am reliable while this State/“government” rubbish are what they are. They are cheaters and slanders. I am not.
Under pressure from some Carabinieri Secret Police Bureaux, the “Police Headquarters of Turin” [Questura di Torino] wrote, equally in a casual and annoyed tone:
“In September 2008, Scaruffi attempted to embark for the United States of America at Tokyo Airport with the intention of asking for political asylum in that country, but he was refused boarding since he did not have the mandatory return flight ticket.”
At that time, I was in Canada. I have already referred about my kidnapping by the Tokyo airport on Italic and U.S. request. NOT in September 2008. The benevolent functionary of the “Police Headquarters of Turin” [Questura di Torino] told you “political asylum”. No, when I talked with a functionary of the U.S. immigration a said only “asylum”. By this “political asylum”, the functionary of the State Police of the “Police Headquarters of Turin” [Questura di Torino] wanted just to send a further message about this criminal operation of Carabinieri-NATO Secret Police Bureaux for producing internal terrorists and terrorism.
Voilà, the final and nearly official certification from the Italic Interior Ministry that there is a long-lasting operation of Carabinieri-NATO Secret Police Bureaux against me:
“There are several posting linked to Scaruffi on the Internet in which he expressed the belief that he is being persecuted and watched by the authorities.”
Since my Internet interventions and accusations are considerably heavier than some complaining about “persecution” and “watching”, and since, in Italy, prosecution is mandatory, this is the certification that, since there is no judicial action against me, what I declare and write is absolutely truthful and, since there is no judicial investigation or prosecution on the heavy State[s]/“government[s]” crime I denounce, they are work of Carabinieri-NATO Secret Police Bureaux which can control and paralyse magistracy.
Thank you, “Police Headquarters of Turin” [Questura di Torino] for this masterpiece in my support!
01 January 2022
YOU are insane! YOU are criminals! 你們沒面子!
My sister’s “literary” site is rich of first-hand information on these State-organised psychotic and criminal louses:
It is decades that there are programs, at NATO level, for producing and managing internal terrorism. There are, consequently, coercion’s programs for inducing people to become terrorists and demolition/annihilation programs for liquidating people not complying, after having been selected, with such State/ “government” insanities, madness and crimes. These programs have been created and implemented with the assistance of academicians and the cover of Parliaments. They extend beyond the NATO area.
The devices below showed are devices for watching through walls, floors, ceilings. They are used for white torture [building harassment, sleep deprivation, psychological annihilation, ...when they are successful]. These devices have been given also to States outside the NATO area [Taiwan for example] and even to States of the officially “enemy” area, for example the PRC [China], which have been involved in such “NATO” programs.
Pagare! Pagare! Pagare!
= er mio "coso" [Ph.D. in Politics] belga o 6'000'000 euro
= 6'000'000'000 euro
= 2'000 condanne a morte in diretta CNN
= passaporto ONU come rifugiato apolide.
Pagare! Pagare! Pagare!
= er mio "coso" belga o 6'000'000 euro
= 6'000'000'000 euro
= 2'000 condanne a morte in diretta CNN
= passaporto ONU come rifugiato apolide.
Pagare! Pagare! Pagare!
= er mio "coso" belga o 6'000'000 euro
= 6'000'000'000 euro
= 2'000 condanne a morte in diretta CNN
= passaporto ONU come rifugiato apolide.
Kidnapped one afternoon (30 August 2008), one night (30-31 August) and one morning (31 August) inside the Tokyo airport on request of the Italian Embassy[-“government”] in Tokyo
Obliged to pay a ransom (with “regular” receipts) for leaving the Tokyo airport
30 August 2008. A flight from Taipei in the early morning. Taipei-Tokyo-Seattle. With new check-in in Tokyo. Reached Tokyo in the early afternoon. New check-in and [in my intentions] flight to Seattle. At the Tokyo check-in, they ask why I have only a one-way ticket. I tell that it is my intention to remain in the USA. They insist. I tell that, anyway, I can go outside the USA by bus and that I could not buy a US bus ticket in Taiwan. They insist. I tell that it not their business. They insist. I tell that it is my intention to ask for asylum in the USA etc. and that, consequently, I did not need to waste money for a return ...return where? I tell that I have no intention to go back to Taiwan. In addition, I underline that in Taiwan, it was sold me that ticket without any problem. They tell that they do not know what asylum is, what asylum seekers are, what refugees are, what the United Nations are. They want a return ticket. Finally, they call an agent of the US immigration. He tells that it is right in that way, that it is indispensable a “return” ticked for going to the USA. However, he comes to talk with me. I tell him that I had already asked for asylum to the USA and to the United Nations, that they did not answer, so I wanted to reach the US territory. Requests done from the outside may seem jokes. When one is on the US territory, everything is different. He'd like to know the case, my case. I tell him that it is such a crazy thing that it is better I do not tell him anything. He insists. I summarize my case. He listens. He promises help. He calls functionaries of the “Embassy”. Immediately, he cannot find anybody. It is Saturday afternoon. We wait. I wait there, near the counter of the check-in. He goes to his office to check his computers and to wait answers from the “Embassy”. He is of the Immigration, not of other services, agencies or bureaus. His classification level is limited, specific to his duties and powers. However, he can check my para-visa application. Certainly, also something else. There is a visa or pseudo-visa or para-visa application that citizens or subjects of the countries previously did not need a visa now need to fill on line. It a kind of announcement that in an undetermined (or anyway vague) future one has intention to cross a certain US border at a certain “station” or site. If one changes mind, for example a different location for entering the USA, the application may be rectified. I one finally does not use it, no problem. It is without any costs. It is called Visa Waiver Program (VWP).
When the US Immigration officer comes back the last time, after having finally reached and talked with the US “Embassy” officers, he has a funereal face. He looks at me as at a person will be perhaps dead in a few hours: “...I cannot do anything more! I cannot do anything more! Good luck! Good luck! Eventually, on Monday, you may go to the United Nations in Tokyo...” “To do you what...?!” “Yes, you are right...” I thanks him. He goes away. I remain there, in the transit area of the airport, with the possibility to buy a new ticket for solving is some way that situation.
What happened when the US Immigration officer had reached his “colleagues” of the US “Embassy”? They checked their computers according their level of access to classified information. They found my Interpol file, falsified form the massacre bureaus of Carabinieri and PS. They read the “alarm”, the instructions for the demolition operation. Consequently, they alerted the Italian Embassy in Tokyo, which pretended, from the Japanese, that they “blocked” me immediately, in some way.
Ask Rutelli, your great brother and your ex-leader Francesco Rutelli. He is one of the assholes now giving institutional cover to that demolition operation of the psychotics and criminals of the massacre bureaus of Carabinieri and PS. This kind of dossiers are also on his desk.
It was perhaps around 16:00. Nothing had happened from my side. I was very quiet and amused as usual. In the transit area of a crowded airport as the Tokyo one, there are cameras everywhere. They are my witnesses. As usual, I was absolutely calm and my intention was only to go away from the Tokyo airport, away from Japan. The psychotics and criminals of the Italian Embassy were, as usual in such cases, very agitated and they had pressed the Japanese to act. Just they were sure that the American Immigration officer had gone away, two chaps in plainclothes, a male and a female, of the airport security, approached me, asked my passport and told me that they needed to accompany me in a different area of the airport for giving me back my baggage.
I'll see my passport again only when I'll pass the check-in for leaving Tokyo. I was moved in a blank area, without the possibility to buy a flight ticket and, specifically, in a room they used as a waiting room for de facto only Islamic travellers of different countries they interrogated about the nature of their trips to Tokyo, the nature of their businesses (I listen part of the “interrogatories”; the large majority of this Islamic “suspects” was made of businessmen) and about written or printed materials they had found in their baggage. It was a room of the Japanese Immigration. After a few metres, passed through the Japanese Immigration, through the border, there was the Japanese territory.
During this kidnapping, I was abusively de facto detained, and without passport, by the security of the airport by offices or structures of the Japanese Immigration. The confused orders they received changed according the Japanese government [secret police] functionary was in charge from the other side of the telephone line. They called continuously for instructions.
Time to time, I insisted that I wanted my passport back and that I needed to find a new ticket for leaving the Tokyo airport. They did not answer, or answered that I was not allowed to move freely in the airport, alias I was not allowed to move at all to the transit area of the airport, that I was not allowed to enter Japan, that I ought to call the Italian Embassy, that I must go back to Italy.
Finally, in the late night, they told me that there were no more flights and that the airport ought to close, so all the rooms, offices, etc. needed to be locked . “You have kidnapped me, kept my passport, hampered me from accessing areas where I could buy a flight ticked. And now you tell me that there are not any more flights...” “The airport is closing. Now, we accompany you to an hotel in Tokyo.” “I have no intention to go to any hotel anywhere. I have no intention to cross the border for entering Japan. You are responsible for this situation...” “We must close and lock this room.” “Good, please, no problem.” I sat down, on the floor, outside the “Islamic room” of the Japanese Immigration. “You are not allowed to remain here. We must accompany you to an hotel.” “I do not go to any hotel and I do not want to see any more these two chaps of the airport security. I go nowhere with these two chaps. I go nowhere at all. If I must pass the night somewhere, I want to pass the night in a police station. Please, call the police... ...A police station is the only safe place for me, although I had no intention to cross the border for entering Japan. I want only to have back my passport, to buy a flight ticked and to go away from there. This situation has been created from you, not from me. ...Please, call the press and the TV.” Hysterical crisis of the Japanese: “Why do you want we call journalists?! For doing what?! You want to slander Japan!!!” “No, no, you are the best of the world. I want only to accuse the Italian Embassy and the Americans who had obliged and are obliging you to do what you are doing.”
The Italian Embassy, alias the Italian secret police, had planned something in a Tokyo hotel. Japan is a country at high [Japanese] Mafia (alias “government”/secret_police parallel militias) density. I had the firm intention not to leave the relatively safe airport.
The airport was closing for a few hours. Rooms and offices of the Japanese Immigration were closing. Progressive darkness. I was sitting down, on the floor, a few metres from the “border”, immediately outside the room were I was kept the facto prisoner during the afternoon, the evening and early night or part of the late night. It was perhaps around midnight. About ten immigration officers, the two of the airport security had kidnapped me, and some other de facto link officer between the Japanese “government” (from the other side of the telephone) and me, were in circle around me. All these Japanese were shouting: “You cannot remain here! You cannot remain here! You have to cross the border! Your baggage is from the other side.” Before I was not allowed to go into Japan or to the “shopping” area of the airport for buying a flight ticket. Now, they pretended to oblige me to go inside Japan and to accompany me to an hotel they had decided for me, but at my charge.
No compromise with the butchers.
I was quietly sitting down on the floor or standing up against a wall. Just I closed my eyes for simulating sleeping, they vigorously shook me: “You cannot sleep here! You cannot sleep here! Wake up! Wake up!” And I, smiling amused: “Thank you! Thank you! I rest better if you shake me when I'm sleeping! Thank you again. You are very kind.” ...Japanese in psychological breakdown.
The immigration officers went away. The two chaps, a male and a female, of the airport security remained there with the supplement of different shifts of one agent per shift of a security company providing agents in uniform. They'll pretend the payment of about 400 [four hundreds] Euro, for them, before accompanying me to a flight and giving me back the passport in practice at the door of an aeroplane, so releasing me from that kidnapping, the morning or very early afternoon after.
For the precise sum of the ransom, ask for the copy of the receipts they have. In total, that “Tokyo check-in” will cost me 2'000 Euro. On 30 August 2008, I had left Taiwan with 4'500 Euro. I'll reach Vancouver, on 31 August 2008, with 2'500 Euro (certified from the Canadian Immigration, which “translated” them in $3.500: ...they are written on the ID, a paper, they gave me!), without any voluntary expense in the meanwhile. I do not buy anything in airports. 400 Euro of ransom. An enormous sum for a ticket Tokyo-Taipei-Hong_Kong, since their refusal to buy a ticket only Tokyo-Taipei anyway equally super-expensive, bought from a Japanese “link officer” since they had abusively subtracted my passport and I was kidnapped, so not in condition to reach a counter where to buy a ticket. The “lost” ticket for Seattle. There is no reimbursement or substitution for “discount tickets”, if they make you to lose a flight or if they hamper from “using” your flight.
Sunday 31 August 2008, early morning, just the immigration reopened that surreal de-facto-”Islamic”room, I could move back, from the floor where I had passed the night, to that surreal room. Always kidnapped. In the early morning, perhaps it was around 7:00, Japanese show. First an idiotic tall simple agent of the Japanese Immigration, but in high uniform so that he seemed (but he wasn't) a general, immediately later an idiotic female of the security company, shouted that I would have been certainly arrested and that I should call the Italian Embassy. “You are not allowed to walk around freely in this airport... ...We have received sure information that you are very dangerous. ..You must call the Italian Embassy! You must go back to Italy!” I insisted that they were kidnapping me and that I did not worry about anything and anybody. It was their business and responsibility what they were doing.
Finally, the Japanese “government” sent a chap (one of the staff of the airport, with usual airport employee uniform) charged to buy, for me and with my money, a flight ticket, and to get the payment of the ransom (the payment for the security agents in uniform THEY, NOT me, had arbitrarily called). They gave me back my passport only when I was passing the check-in, not before, for going back to Taipei where the air tickets for whatever place were decidedly cheaper than the apparently (they told me the prices; I was not allowed to buy a ticket by myself) super-expensive Tokyo. This chap, with the “private” security agent in uniform, escorted me until the door of the aeroplane.
Reached Taipei the late afternoon or early evening. There was yet daylight.
What to do, now, in the Taipei airport after the Tokyo experience?
Pagare! Pagare! Pagare!
= er mio "coso" belga o 6'000'000 euro
= 6'000'000'000 euro
= 2'000 condanne a morte in diretta CNN
= passaporto ONU come rifugiato apolide.
Pagare! Pagare! Pagare!
= er mio "coso" belga o 6'000'000 euro
= 6'000'000'000 euro
= 2'000 condanne a morte in diretta CNN
= passaporto ONU come rifugiato apolide.
The Italian government/State public confession that these are neither slanders nor inventions. In Italy, prosecution is compulsory. …Not in this case, …evidently.
Siete dei delinquenti e dei pazzi.
Indagini FBI!
Processi a Pechino con impiccagioni immediate!
Impiccare tutti quelli dell'OVRA e delle istituzioni la usano e coprono!
Sciogliere e disperdere Italiozia!
I criminali amano il silenzio e sono terrorizzati dalla pubblicità! [su di loro]
Siano rese pubbliche le operazioni psicotico-delinquenziali di linciaggio-pogrom e tortura degli Interni-Carabinieri-Servizi [-Esteri, quando sia necessario avere la "preda" in Italiozia per fini psicotico-delinquenziali di Stato]!
Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!
Processi internazionali!
Risarcimenti euro-miliardari!
Ergastoli in manicomio criminale!
Gli Stati delinquodemenziali si autodistruggono. I governi non governano e son tutti uguali. I "ministeriali" si limitano a psicotizzare&delinquere.
= Creare ufficialmente il Ministero Attuazione Linciaggi e Pogrom ...l'OVRA che è sempre esistita e mai è stata sciolta con le varie leggi speciali e razziste tuttora di fatto in pieno vigore.
= Massima pubblicità e sputtanamento per tali "eroi"!
= Siano rese pubbliche TUTTE le Operazioni Speciali di linciaggio, pogrom, torture bianche, in Italiozia ed all'estero e di quanti euromiliardi costano ogni anno! ...pure i nomi dei politici, Carabinieri&PS&GdF, consulenti le ordinano, sovrintendono e ci mangiano. ...pure i nomi della teppaglia "pubblica" e privata le esegue sul campo.
...Pure a Karadzic, gli yankees avevano garantito l'impunità...
Anche a lui gli USA avevano garantito l'impunità:
"Ti armiamo. Attacchi e distruggi l'Iran. Fai e ti prendi quel che credi."
A quando l'incriminazione presso il Tribunale Penale Internazionale dei vari Napolitano, Letta-Berlusconi, Prodi, Maroni, LaRussa, predecessori, Carabinieri, Ps, Aise, Aisi, Sismi, Sisde, governi, parlamenti e altra teppaglia varia per avere organizzato operazioni di demolizione-omicidio bianchi? La prova?! Eccola: http://scaruffi.blogspot.com/2008/07/you-are-insane-you-are-criminals.html
Chi invece hanno sfasciato non può testimoniare. ...perché se li hanno rinchiusi... ...in un luogo o nell'altro...
...Ci sarebbe pure l'organizzazione di terrorismo e mafie interne e tutta la fase stragista ad essi intrecciata...
Italy, the Dregs State!
Pagare! Pagare! Pagare!
= er mio "coso" belga o 6'000'000 euro
= 6'000'000'000 euro
= 2'000 condanne a morte in diretta CNN
= passaporto ONU come rifugiato apolide.
Tribunale Penale Internazionale
Da riformarsi prevedendo le impiccagioni.
Dovrà aprire un carcere psichiatrico quando incriminerà italioti, belgi, cinesi, taiwanesi, etc. dai Presidenti, governi, comandi militari, di servizi, di polizia, fino ai miliziani qualunque.
Pagare! Pagare! Pagare!
= er mio "coso" belga o 6'000'000 euro
= 6'000'000'000 euro
= 2'000 condanne a morte in diretta CNN
= passaporto ONU come rifugiato apolide.
Tribunale Penale Internazionale
Da riformarsi prevedendo le impiccagioni.
Dovrà aprire un carcere psichiatrico quando incriminerà italioti, belgi, cinesi, taiwanesi, etc. dai Presidenti, governi, comandi militari, di servizi, di polizia, fino ai miliziani qualunque.
Pagare! Pagare! Pagare!
= er mio "coso" belga o 5'000'000 euro
= 5'000'000'000 euro
= 2'000 condanne a morte in diretta CNN
= passaporto ONU come rifugiato apolide.
22:29 ESTERIParla il fratello del giornalista afgano condannato per aver scritto che uomo e donna sono uguali di L.CremonesiItaly
They cooperate with the worst butchers of the world and the worst butchers of the world cooperate with the Italic secret [military and non-military] police services and “government[s]”.